
November & Disember yang indah....

Muahahaha tajuk entry xleh blaa...tapi memang indah sesangat ;) Bila orang mula appreciate okay tak nak guna english dah..bila orang mula menghargai kehadiran kita dan buat setiap masa bersama tu dengan mencipta detik-detik indah lagi comel lagi manis, rasa bahagia sangat. Hehehe ;p

"Thanks for everything you have done to me. I appreciate it soooo muach muachh. Thanks for being with me, accept my imperfection, correct my wrongdoings, and create so much laugh together. I hope this will last for-ever"

People change, time flies, but memories never die.

and future; insyaAllah will be with us...


ikhlas daripada ulfaaa yang cungggg.

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