
Life as it is.

"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger" - John F. Kennedy

When we feel "it" is the most difficult part in our life...try to keep calm..thing at the first place, Allah loves us too much, that's why He gives us that kind of problems, to test whether we can accept or not..whether we are patient or not..whether we are strong or weak.

Sabar maaa fren..kadang-kadang kehidupan ni bukan macam yang kita expect..apa yang kita nak jarang tercapai..apa yang kita nak hindar sering pulak mendatang..

Tapi bersyukurlaa sebab bila masalah tu mendatang, kita bukan keseorangan..that's what friends for right? Tapi kalau ada fake friends je pun, kita still boleh senyum sebab Allah sentiasa mendengar. masalah kita.cuma perlu kekuatan dan keep on berdoa berdoa berdoa..dan hidup bukan selamanya nak menderita dan bersedih. Macam circle. That's how life goes on...

Sabar okay awak? i'm here for you :')

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